Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My friend or a visual of who I really am

They say, 'show me your friends and I'll show you who you are.'  I had the pleasure of observing toddlers who really are great example of what a friendship really looks like from outside-the real picture.  These toddlers had their days. Some days it was all about support- T would hang out at D's crib when he saw him struggling with being there. He'd bring him toys and sit there and place his hand on the mesh of the cot for D to touch and know he was there.  Then there were the other days. T would grab toys out of D's hand and beat back if D tried to get his toy back or retaliate. These are just picks of what I saw but even in just those two you can see that being a friend unfortunately has a good and bad. Though in the end those attempts to be there are the ones we should count. But if you're one to count the fend for yourself days then think this even you aren't the perfect friend. So when next you want to think less of a friend because of the times they couldn't, remember a friend is only a friend because of the times they could.

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