Monday, February 18, 2013

Hot shot, Say What!!!

So here I am understanding the importance of not having a hot shot bitch that nobody can touch attitude or behavior. I'm being willing to learn that one can be very giving. Willing to go above and beyond for others, and truly focused on the bettering of others while becoming a responsibly successful entrepreneur. Yep a mouth and mind full but a worthy cause. I've always had the ability to motivate people so the idea of being more proactive in this arena of my life makes sense. A noble human cause. I said all of this to really say; we often are too busy thinking highly of ourselves we forget to think that highly of others. When I say others I don't mean people you find cute or that impress you. I mean people you would normally write off. They deserve your vote of hope if not your vote of confidence.  The commonality in most successful people who made it despite the odd is that that person believed in themselves when no one else did(They stood alone for lack of others to stand by them.). Why can't you be that for someone-the person who believed in them. I'm not saying every Tom, Dick, and Henry but at least for someone in your circle of people who you can tell needs it. The thing is when you start thinking like this you're bound to make waves of difference in peoples lives. After all a Large tree was once a seed. So be the seed in someone's life that brings a tree out of the person.

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