Saturday, February 22, 2014

Brain pick

   The art of picking your brain. Knowing what choices you make and why you make them. I've found that  playing back events accurately in your mind, kind of like a review of the game, can give you an advantage in life. Much like a review of the game helps you to see what you couldn't while you were playing because you were concentrating on playing the game. Life is similar in that while you're in a moment your focus is limited, it's not possible to see every single angle and possibility. So it helps to review moments in life with elements of occurrences that surprised or aspects that disappointed you. This not only helps you to get a better look at the situation but you get to know what the full situation was. Players review the game to see what they could do better, their strengths, and how they performed.
  Why shouldn't you review moments in your life that hold some significance to you and then with time you can get into the habit of just reviewing everything. Why? Cause why wouldn't you want to be your best you. It also makes you pay attention to what kind of person you are becoming in all situations. Mainly when you are aware of your assets you can see how to best use them. They say the weakest link in a chain determines the strength of the chain. Well if you know your weaknesses then you can see how and what triggers them by reviewing situation where you felt you could be better. Self evaluation is always more effective than when someone else evaluates your performance because we are ten time much harder on ourselves than others, especially when we don't have to share the information of our finding. So know what you need to know about yourself by reviewing what you do, so you can be in control of who you are becoming and where you are going as well as what you stand for. So get to picking you don't know what you'll find.

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