Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Calamities by the dozen

So my friend has a theory that when some people are about to make some major changes in life that sometimes they can experience a series of unfortunate events.  As someone who almost always has this experience please note I found comfort in my friend's words.

So when I experienced the side effects of a city of Chicago clerical error that lead to a one month vacation where I couldn't earn a penny but had everything I needed and more. Please note I'd never been as furstated and helpless knowing I couldn't fight, fathom, or do anything about what was happening to me. Also the way the situation resolved itself was a God moment. (A moment you, everyone around you, and others who hear the story conclude was above human understanding and predictions.)

What came next was a mindset and a readiness to be moved. Because I learned from my one month imposed period of rest (see Ps. 23 ver 2) that my view of life needed reshaping. My attitude and willingness to change course needed editing. As soon as I could work again and somehow ended up at the assignment I left I met someone who gave me a quote that is becoming my drive in this season of life. 

          "Vision without execution is a                                             hallucination." - MC

Now I thought it was just a nice post-it that I stuck to my glove compartment and was reading daily till I made a massive life decision based on it. No longer was it motivating me to stick my neck out and make things happen that people were telling me no on.

      (Thank you to Rachel Hollis, author of 'Girl Wash Your Face' For teaching me that no is not the end and not to pester people just because I'm choosing not to take no for an answer.)

 It began to make me much more willing to do and listen to what God was wispering for me to do first through very unrelated events then in moments of awkward comfort that came from left field. I found myself moving. Sometimes we get a moment of rest to regroup and prepare. Don't waste time being offended for too long a period, but please be offended, or you'll carry the emotion with you if you've not let it out. Just don't make it your permanent address and live there or visit often.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Man's expectation vs. a woman's plight.

So I finally found the words to say regarding the old age tradition or idea that a wife's duty is slave laborer to her husband (Breathe and come with a real and open mind. This isn't a rant and rave. I am not saying or encouraging a woman to not serve her husband, I am simply asking that men not be asses because a woman is serving them. Read on for full understanding)

To my future husband,

I hope to have a relationship with you that breeds understanding.  That there is understanding that the relationship's success depends on yours willingness to insure that your wife is not only happy but gets help when and where she needs it. Why? Because loving her also means caring about her needs and the needs of the family (Us and our children). Whether it be by assisting with chores or helping with the cooking. It should be understood that no man or woman should have to struggle alone or suffer while the other sits back and reaps the hard work or rewards of the other without ever playing a part. In no world is that fair. So I ask that you look past selfish and male dominant chauvinistic traditions and you get real, by showing me that you love and care for me, my health, and my welfare by being my partner in every sense of the word in a real and tangible manner. Going above and beyond the basics and taking part in every aspect of our lives. Please note I expect no less of myself and appreciate every sincere effort you make.


Your Love


I know that even though I have asked for these things I know you will still make your own decisions and be you. I only hope that you love and understand me enough to be considerate. Knowing that you have the keys to the success and happiness of our marriage. Please remember that though you are in charge it doesn't mean you should neglect my wishes or disregard my needs no matter what you think of them. Also please remember, I love you.