Best Vacation Ever!!!
If I reflect on this move as one giant vacation, then there will be no insult to injury. I moved from a cold climate to a hot one. Across an entire country to an entirely different state, environment, people, and more differences than even I expected. I was fine with the move. I even learned to be fine with the daily issues that kept popping out the woodwork. Though in the end I feel as if I didn't fight hard enough to stay here. I feel as if a part of me wanted to go back, despite my love for the drive to work, and all the things that made me excited to be here. I think secretly in the recesses of my mind I couldn't let go of where I was coming from even though I was desperate to leave it behind. One day I realized I was still calling where I had come from 'home'. Initially, I assumed it was because it had been my home for the longest. It was the place I had lived that most in all my life moves. I grew to be Me, there! Though now I see that I just secretly longed to return. So back to where I came from I go. This was truly an amazing vacation. I will miss this place but I know where to come the next time I need a good vacation.
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