For some people, such as me, failing is something we do well and on a grand scale. I can definitely say I have failed on decently proportioned levels. Through my failure is not as grand as running a company underground, it's still big enough to cause a gawking reaction in any normal human being. As I sit here viewing the height of my failure all I can think of is why should I put my head between my legs and just give up. I barely even have the energy to face how bad this failure is and how I have affected lives, not merely my own. Not even focusing on my new string of added debt I now have. I just keep thinking I can still.... I can still do this, I should do this and this to get this and this taken care of. Please note my eyes are swollen and red from crying and inside this hurts like hell, let's not even touch on the lost pride. Though I can honestly say, I can see the silver lining. I can see solutions to the kayos that is going to follow this mess. I guess this is how I have now learnt to deal with my crises. Oh, do I cringe at some of the phone calls I will have to make! Ouch! My Facebook changes will suck. Though in a way I am proud of myself for taking a risk. I don't even want to look at what this crisis means I will be losing. Man life can be painful. Thank goodness, there is better for those who never give up the quest for it. I do hope though that my lesson learned does not need relearning.
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