So here's to clean up on isle 4.
Friday, February 28, 2014
So there is this basic life understanding that when you do something there is the likely hood that something can come of it and it might not be favorable. Kind of like a boomarang returns to it's source. So I've spent a huge portion of my life breaking hearts. It's wasn't all for the pleasure of it, sometimes it just was. So it should be natural that eventually someone would have to break mine. Only the thing is I never though that I would be responsible for breaking my own heart. Though I felt I was cutting an arm that needed to be cut so as to get on with it (life as I imaged it). Though now looking back on this situation through the eyes of the one, whom I caused far more harm than I ever intended, I can say I feel your pain. At the time I was causeing the pain I did clearly see and can now admit knowing that I caused sever injuries. I felt it was neccessary. I felt I was being honest and of course honesty is the best policy. I however have learned since then that I hate the serious questions we have to ask ourselves. Even more I hate the serious conversations we have to have with others. Though as amazing an escape artist I am, even I have learned that there comes a time in life that we must face the messes we make and do what we can for the injuries our actions cause. Now I'm not saying hang yourself or anything major. All I'm saying is own your mistakes and be willing to give a helping hand in helping someone recover from the injuries you inflict. WARNING: Don't loose yourself giving a hand to uplift another. Certainly help but know when they are just looking to see you suffer as a way of getting better. Then there's the instance where it's going to need a third party( a counselor) to assist in a healthy and safe mending process. Don't go it alone if you feel the situation seems heavy and a repeat of the original situation that had you feeling cornered and escaping in any manner necessary.
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