Are you open to help. I've never really been one to allow others to assist me unless I was almost desperate. I wait till I'm so pressed it's almost certain I'll pee on myself- which we all know never turns out well. (Forgive me but I couldn't resist that analogy it seemed perfect and far less painful than the truth.) Yes sometimes as we know accidents happen and yes I did leak a bit. There's nothing like trying to hedge off pending disaster. Anything from self imposed financial miss steps to nature and real situations just dooming you. No matter how severe the impending doom or leak may be, I've learned that two or more heads are better than one. Even if no one can help you avoid the gloom doom you want a cheerleading squad who will motivate and encourage you back up to your feet. Which is better or more likely to receive what they need sooner; A runner who falls in the woods and no one is aware of or A runner who falls at an Olympic arena. Don't be alone when things turn from positive, even people who just want to say I told you so are better than nothing. The words you failed or I told you so can't kill you, they'll only make you stronger. Nor should they shame you. They were invented to remind us of our human propensity to make mistakes. Making a mistake is not ever the problem. The greater issue is not acknowledging that one occurred.- You are human, forgive yourself.
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