How do I know when I am doing a task that is something I love, is something I'm gifted to do, that makes me tick? I have found I accidentally starve myself and then when I realize I'm doing it, I continue to because I forget I am doing it. It appears that there are some very unique activities that just cause me to completely lose the desire and ability to stop doing them. At first, I assumed it might be due to the pleasure I get from the tasks. I have realized that the idea of pleasure so good one could not simply stop an activity is not the case in this instance; however positive the tasks might be. On a closer examination, a different idea emerged. I found I simply could not stop because I was motivated to continue, more like I was invigorated. It appears that for me, it was like getting a vitamin B shot or some serious kick of a Starbucks triple shot or even raw endorphins. The more I concentrated on the task the more energy I received which enabled me to continue. I suppose that the depleting sugar levels that my body was experiencing kicked up my endorphin levels, which resulted in the continued work, but slowly increasing hunger levels encouraged a sort of not enough energy for my brain to concentrate or hold thoughts long enough. This would ensure I would keep forgetting that I was hungry and just keep working. Lol, I watch a lot of Sherlock Holmes series, currently in love with Elementry right now. It seems I have even dissected how I will help to solve the mystery of what my future business will look like by seeing what activities cause me to accidentally starve myself. As a writer, I'm not always sure what my work will look like when it's finished. Though I look back on this page and even though it seems quite odd I realize that I am a natural born artist and like many predecessors before me I appear to have the madness. Well, at least, I don't do drugs to be productive. I guess as long as I do what I love I will be skinny for life, lol. Find your passion, it's worth it, trust me!
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