Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Warning; strictly for those who want to be a God.

I'm not one to write a religious post but God is irking me and I feel I should pen this down so I can be held accountable or even chastised if needed. 

I don't want to find myself trying to be a God(This post was inspired by a line MI Abaga used in this song, made me refect),  when what I truly seek is claiming and ownership of a God-given title, Saint. One I didn't earn but received  simply because I claim him(Jesus) as my Lord and savior and keep because I realize he is a choice that I choose daily. Knowing him doesn't end with choosing him, it's a daily experience of choices I make based on where my focus lies. If my focus shifts so do my choices and my direction. Claiming a title doesn't end there. It must be defended daily by my choices if I seek to keep it. 
One doesn't fall off a ledge instantly. There is the knowledge that you are traveling down a road and there is the possibility of missing the road. Even when you get to the edge you know you still have seconds of  awareness that you are about to fall, even as you fall you still have options of  how you fall, and depending on how much falling you have and what you are falling into. With so many ledges and so many options for endings I only wonder as to what good can come from having gone over one. But before venturing how sure are you that it is a quest to follow after, much like wind chasing.
I don't want to be a God for there is but one God and that is certainly not me. For I choose to follow his(Christ's) example as I follow him( Jesus) down the ladder ( the one we all use to define success in this world). Where do you stand and what are you falling for. 
 For it is his( Jesus Christ's) opinion I care for and his approval I seek.

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