We tend to spend a good deal of time on thinking and re-thinking our actions when the result is not the expected outcome. Remember that the time to think is before you act and the only person you can control is yourself. So the outcome of a situation is only partly on you. This means there will always be elements you can't control. Yes it is human nature to want control over situations but let's remember the truth or reality is we don't have access to all the keys and even if we did the control would still create limits. The true enjoyment of life should come when we do our best and give others a chance to do the same. Remembering that just as you get to decide just what and how you do so do others. Even those involved, connected, or attached to you by circumstance, choice, or situation get to choose. When we get caught trying to control others to control a situation we act selfishly and in selfishness the person who is guaranteed hurt is always the selfish person. Taking matters into your own hands is just another way of saying you are attempting to control others or simply put you are choosing to be selfish. So prior to action decide to not be selfish, controlling, and willing to let others have the freedom you have to decide their parts on their own. You will not need to worry or stress over your actions later cause you will know you didn't act selfishly.
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