The basic is starting. If you don't start then you can't possibly succeed. If you stop at the start you also can't succeed cause you have stopped. To be successful at something you have to keep doing it. Actual success takes continuous effort being placed into the thing you intend to succeed in. To keep putting effort into something takes a lot out of anybody involved. It's like holding your hand out to hold on to something. At first it's easy. After a while your hand starts to hurt, even tingle, then you have to decide to switch hands, change positions, shake it off, stop holding, or take a break. If you take a break you run the risk of not returning. Remembering the pain, you'll ask yourself if it's really worth it. Plus, you'll be nervous now that you do know the pain involved. We all know that if you just plum let go that you are done and saying good bye to succeeding at that particular thing. Though switching hands and shaking it off keep you going it will wear on the nerves in the hand. So what am I saying? True success comes when we realize that, yes there will be pain and inconveniences, but if we keep going, we'll get there.
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