Friday, March 18, 2011

Break Time

There is no harm in taking a break.  Just as long as it is just a break.  A break is meant to refresh and reorganize the exhausted or over worked.  A break is meant to be a time of productive rejuvenation.  Resting is productive when it serves a needed purpose.  It is not however a way of avoiding or keeping from completing tasks that feel tiresome.  Don't run away from your life and obligations.  Yes take time when you need it but don't abuse it and keep within a considerable time.  Yes everyone in America would love an hour lunch break but not everyone's work schedules have room for it.  Keep this in mind when you are contemplating abusing your use of time by overstaying or over using a rest or break time.  Abuse or miss use of your time leads to waste.  Just like mothers eat their kids left overs to keep from waisting the food.  Waist never moves you forward but slows or deters forward movement in life.  So when next you think of being lazy ask your self if it's worth the loss to self or cost to self.  Choose wisely.

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