Friday, September 25, 2020

Meaningful you (Purpose)

I think a lot and do a lot, but out of what I do do, how much of it is meaningful. How do I make more of what I think and do more meaningful? Yes, this is my next unofficial life goal. Raising the meaningfulness of my life to hopefully 100%(Wrote the previous lines on 11/16/2015 but they are so relevant right now for me and much of the world today) 

To be meaningful, you have to step out of every day and make a continuous effort to have meaning.

To do something different you first have to acknowledge how you currently operate.

What’s the difference in what you want to achieve versus what you are currently achieving. How much change are you asking yourself to make? Are going from Jet black hair to black hair. Or even from Brown to Black hair.  Maybe this is one of those life-shattering changes where you went from Jet black hair over stages (Cause in real life naturally Jet black hair is not able to become blonde in one attempt- That was for my daydreamers.) to Platinum Blond (Not yellow or  Golden Yellow). These changes even just to hair can make a drastic difference in one's appearance or even to your self-esteem. So deciding actively live a 100% meaningful life is no small task. Especially if you haven’t been intentionally meaningful at all in your life. That would be as drastic a change as the black to blonde scenario. Just as landscapes change of really long periods of time we will as humans even if we never make an effort to change. So keep all these in mind would mean what are you willing to get rid of.  When black hair gets turned to Platinum blonde hair it has to lose its color-rich state to get there, draping out whole colors from its core. What whole things, behaviors, habits, training do you need to lose to become this drastically new version of yourself. Don’t be mistaken the structural integrity of a naturally Jet black hair when it becomes blonde is lost for the process to be achieved and to maintain the hair one has to rebuild the elements that the hair needs to remain vibrant to the touch and eye. So what do you need to have rebuilt after you strip down what needs to be removed? It’s recommended that when dealing with hair color lightening you should seek a professional and use professional products for the best results. Have you ever thought of who would be a professional human mentality shaper reconstructor?  The only certified and licensed professionals in the field of mental restructuring would be to go to a therapist.  Yep, the people many of us go to only in desperate times, often in secret, and usually bearly trust them. Maybe I’m the only one who thinks this way. Society has never been as big as it's becoming to promote the awareness of “Be the Best you’. Though today with all the self-help books and people like Tony Robbins changing the way we work out our lateral mental movements. You can see that it isn’t a lofty goal to be 100% meaningful but with anything worthwhile, it takes a tremendous level of effort worthy of the prize.  Good Luck and Do Well.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Hope Attained?

Hopelessness is a disease that will kill a healthy mind. It is such an effective killer that no matter the rate in which it spreads, as long as it is able to spread, it will mean certain death to the individual affected.

So why feed it? Why allow it to cripple and take from you everything precious and dear?

When the expectations we have of what life should be versus what life actually is are so drastic it is easy to look away. Cause the less we deal with the reality of the gap that is the difference the easier things can feel momentarily. The truth is the knowledge of things not being the way they should be doesn't disappear. It's not, 'out of sight out of mind'. The reality of life is that anything that once existed doesn't cease existing it just can change forms. Even when you Die your body becomes ashes (I won't be discussing the soul, because as far as I know, we have beliefs. Our current technology doesn't enable us to ID the soul in a traceable and identifiable manner separately of the body that we are aware of.) I know that if my grandmother's grave was dug up you would find dust that had her genetic material to say that was previously her body. Ok, let us get back on track. 
You can't outrun the gap of your expectations and your reality it's wishful thinking, delusional, and the beginning of an unstable mind. What am I saying?


A kindergarten teacher yells this at her student. She has the expectation that the student will behave and respond as requested by stopping. Yes as we know children have far less self-control than an adult. So the Kindergarten teacher will face the reality of the child's bad behavior if the child fails to stop. That she will hopefully address it appropriately. Cause if she ignores a child who has chosen to continue after being asked to stop it will obviously lead to results she was attempting to avoid. It could lead to the safety of the child being compromised and so on and so forth. I'm asking that if every human on this earth simply faced that reality in their lives of the things that are going wrong head-on even if they don't have a solution but simply acknowledge, the child did not stop, and things aren't the way they should be or need to be. Our expectation as a society is that the Kindergarten teacher's response to the child with ants in their pants is kind and appropriate to the situation at hand and not reflective of her judgment of the child or assumptions of the situation but what is actually occurring. We would hope that she was in an alert state of mind and ready to spring to keep the child safe or whatever she could do to protect the child while keeping her other students safe as well.  

Let's as a race be better humans with less ants in our pants and STOP when asked to stop. 

When I was a child, 
I spoke as a child, 
I understood as a child,
 I thought as a child;
 but when I became a man, 
I put away childish things
-1 Corinthians 13:11
 (From one of the oldest books in the world)

Just saying, 'with age comes wisdom'.