Dear Fear,
I just want you to know that we are not friends. I don't want you in my life or near it. You are no longer allowed to hang out with me. You don't care about me and it is obvious you are out to see me fail. I know you wish me a miserable end and all kinds of sadness. I will no longer entertain your lies that you even care about me not getting hurt or that you are all about my best interests. Fear, I will no longer listen when you try to convince me to not do what is in my heart to do. I will no longer seek your counsel on any matter, life changing or just simple decisions. Fear, you are no longer allowed to be the reason I hold back from doing anything. You deceiving maniquial jerk. You just get a kick out of keeping me depressed and unable to reach my potential all the while lying to me that you are protecting me. I will no longer allow myself to even think that being afraid of my future whatever it may be is in my best interest. You are truly a scoundrel Fear, a dirt bag of a tall order. I still don't know why I listened to you all these years. Why I could ever have believed you were my friend and you cared about me. Fear you couldn't have cared about me and to think I gave you years of my life. What did I get in return. I was miserable, always thinking if I just listened to you that I could avoid bad things. When all along, Fear, you were the bad thing I should have been avoiding. How is it I didn't see what you were making me into. All the things I didn't do because of you, Fear. How couldn't I see that you are a selfish life sucking Bastard! You are not allowed anywhere near me. I will be getting a restraining order against you Fear. I am done with you for good and I mean it this time. I hope others run from you and avoid you with a passion. You are truly something to be detested, Fear. I don't know what made me even think to want to be your friend. All the things you stole from me and I gave you thinking you would be there through thick and thin. All the while you were stripping me of myself , my value, and my worth. All which I'm taking back and you'll never get another chance again to rob me of anything. Good bye and Good riddance, Fear.